
Creative Genius or Self Obsessed Boredom???

Some boys/ rappers / white guys with too much time on their hands, released an interesting song yesterday.

I'm still trying to figure out whether I like it or loathe it.

Apparently i missed the 'feminist verse'.... but with lyrics such as " My pants are an ocean, come dive in" or just plain "suck my d***" needless to say it didn't go down to well with me.

On the flip side, these 'bro's' made a rather catchy song- and big Dwayne goes 'crazy!'

Hell they even made an album cover for the track...

So boys- even though i don't "get" what you do....

Here's a link just for you...

Check the track on


Ya'll can decide!!


Shorty K said...

"so make the call, or dial a driver,
my pants is an ocean, you could be a diver"

i think the beauty is in the context...

Shorty K said...

and another thing....make us one of your fluro fwends...your totes one of ours

LVS said...

yes perhaps that is where the beauty lies. Your self obsessed boredom really does lead to creative genius.

We will totes friend you

BB said...

get married already you guys! EW gross.

sweet blog that ch5 one...