These Auckland dudes, unashamed professors of throwback Flying Nun, Clean and Verlaines-esque beats, released an EP just shy of two years ago now, and we have heard next to nothing of them since.
Which is a shame, because it was a brilliant six track ditty, rooster and all - the artwork was actually done by a Flying Nun vet - and conglomerating the singles that had made them one of alternative radio in New Zealands favourites, as well as one of mine, particularly because of 'Headin'' and 'Mount Kill'.
Well, now it seems they're making a come back, or making it biggish, sort of, again, for the second time. Anyway...said EP has been reviewed by Pitchfork (or should I say iPod Touch - that ad is huge!) HERE and is on the cover of American alternative music rag Under The Radar as 'New Artist 2009'. Magazine not available here yet, but hopefully these guys get the credit they deserve. And release a full length.
They signed to some german label and released one song!!!
Not quite stagnant, but stoned enough for the casual passerby to think so.
they're dead to me
Um, it might have something to do with Morr Music picking them up on their roster, and them finally having enough trust to go with a label.
They're doing sweet as brahs.
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