
Eavesdrop Listening Party!!!!

There are a few things that I have to give to Auckland. One of them is Eavesdrop. Wandering along, mid week, to attend the Wine Cellar was always a favourite.
Yes mustering up the spirit after a booze-fuelled weekend was sometimes hard, but alas upon arrival memories of migraines and stomach pains disappeared entirely.
Wellington you're swell and I promise I won't be leaving you, but to be honest, in the mid week department, you really don't pull through.
No I don't want to party, I want to sit, and I still want to chatter, listen to music and have a glass of wine...or two...
For all you lucky souls still residing in the City of Sails I suggest you head along this Wednesday. You get to listen to new music, hang out with your friends, play scrabble, eat cheese, win prizes...
I mean really.... why wouldn't you?


BRIAN! said...

You are a hypocrite Lucy http://fluromag.blogspot.com/2009/04/self-aware-scenesters-rap-music-crack.html

LVS said...

crack wednesday is good....but it's a rather different thing B Cool.

gfabroadkill said...

Hahaha - did you know something *like* the eavesdrop might be happening in Wellington soon.