
Cutest campaign ever!

Do you remember how all the cool kids at school had Petit Miam yoghurt's? Do you remember how yummy they were and how you'd sulk and scream if your parents didn't by them? No? Well by god I certainly do. Advertisers take note : Food + Super Cute Kid w a European flair = BEST CAMPAIGN EVER.

Petit Miam, at 21, I still heart you! xxxx


Anonymous said...

ooh that ad! that's right! I loved the way she said "reading comprehension"! cuuuute

Yule said...

What about the "No Phillip, kick ze ball like I told you!" ad?

LVS said...

I know! Or 'What is your favourite class?'...'leeuuncch' I could not find them. I'm glad people appreciate these ad's like I do!

BRIAN! said...

you were/are such a spoilt brat. all I got was fresh and fruity.

LVS said...

Ohh that sucks. Wanna talk about it? :) xoxoxooxx

Anonymous said...

That stuff tasted yuck